Related tags: cardiovascular health, chronic heart failure, pqq function sanitize_gpt_value2(gptValue) {var vOut=”"; var aTags = gptValue.split(‘,’); var reg = new RegExp(‘\\W+’, “g “); for (var i=0; i <atags.length; i++)=”" {vout=”" +=”aTags[i].trim().replace(reg,’-').substring(0,40);” if(i=”" !=”(aTags.length-1))” vout=”" ;}=”" returns=”" vout;}=”" $(document).ready(function()=”" {datalayernews=”();” datalayernews.related_tags=”sanitize_gpt_value2(“Cardiovascular” health,=”" chronic=”" heart=”" failure,=”" pqq”);=”" datalayer.push(datalayernews);=”" });<br=”"> “As an important organelle for maintaining heart function, mitochondria provide energy for every heartbeat. There is more and more evidence that mitochondria are the power plants of the heart. However, just like old batteries, the heart of patients with chronic heart failure will eventually be exhausted. “According to newly published research.
Since pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) is considered to be an effective antioxidant cofactor in the process of reduction and oxidation, it is widely distributed in animal and plant tissues. It is indispensable for mammals whose lack of PQQ affects the mitochondria and mitochondrial function of these species. Of nutrients.
Although PQQ contains some vitamin-like properties, it is considered a nutrient. Enzyme promoters have a certain antioxidant effect, most commonly found in kiwi, green pepper and parsley. Many people take PQQ through supplements.
One of the most significant effects of PQQ is on mitochondria. Mitochondria provide our cells with energy (ATP) and regulate cell metabolism. Researchers have extensively studied the effects of PPQ on mitochondria and found that PQQ can increase the number and efficiency of mitochondria.
In order to explore new treatments for chronic heart failure, nutritional supplement supplier and manufacturer Nascent Health Sciences recently collaborated with the Cardiology Department of Nantong University Hospital in China to study the effect of PQQ on improving heart function.
Specifically, the study investigated the effect of PQQ on mitochondrial function in a cardiac pressure overload model, and investigated whether PQQ can improve heart function and help prevent chronic heart failure.
To determine the effect of PQQ on chronic heart failure and contractile function in the body, 6-week-old rats underwent 12-week sham surgery or transaortic coarctation (TAC) surgery, and were given 0.4, 2 or 10 mg/kg daily PQQ.
After 12 weeks of TAC, the rats showed significant ventricular and muscle cell hypertrophy and increased heart weight/body weight ratio.
The author also pointed out that the results of the study “show that 2 and 10 mg/kg PQQ have good therapeutic effects; however, compared with 2 mg/kg PQQ, 10 mg/kg PQQ does not show a concentration-dependent effect, while 2 mg/kg PQQ does not show a concentration-dependent effect. Therefore, PQQ is the best therapeutic dose among the three groups. In the following experiment, the TAC + PQQ treatment group was given 2 mg/kg PQQ.”
Based on these findings, the author points out that a combination of all factors may help prevent the occurrence of chronic heart failure.
“For the first time in history, the powerful antioxidant PQQ has demonstrated the positive benefits of myocardial mitochondrial dysfunction and CHF,” said Thomas Schrier, Vice President of Sales, Nascent Health Sciences. “Researchers at Nantong University are specifically looking for treatments for cardiac mitochondrial function, and now they have found conclusive evidence that PQQ’s ability to stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis can prevent heart damage and promote heart health.”
“Pyrroloquinoline quinone can prevent chronic heart failure by regulating mitochondrial function”
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Post time: Sep-01-2021