Hamamelis virginiana L. feem ntau hu ua witch hazel, yog ib tsob ntoo me me los yog tsob ntoo uas belongs rau tsev neeg Hamamelidaceae.Nws loj hlob ntawm 1.5 txog 3.5 m hauv qhov siab.Lub bark yog xim av thiab du.Cov nplooj yog deciduous, elliptic rau ovate, margins wavy, asymmetrical ntawm lub hauv paus, ntawm 7.5 mus rau 12.5 cm ntev.Cov paj yog daj sab nraud thiab yellowish xim av sab hauv, nrog plaub tus yam ntxwv xov zoo li, txog 2 cm ntev petals.Blooming tshwm sim los ntawm qhov kawg ntawm lub caij nplooj zeeg, thaum nplooj poob.Cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo yog capsule.Hamamelis yog ib txwm nyob rau North America, qhov chaw nws feem ntau loj hlob hauv hav zoov ntub dej ntawm thaj chaw sab hnub tuaj (los ntawm Brunswick thiab Quebec mus txog Minnesota, sab qab teb ntawm Florida, Georgia, Louisiana thiab Texas).
Khoom npe:Hamamelis Extract
Lub npe Latin: Hamamelis Mollis Oliver
CAS Nr .: 84696-19-5
Cog Tshooj Siv: Nplooj
Assay: Tannis≧15.0% los ntawm UV
Xim: Lub teeb daj hmoov nrog cov yam ntxwv tsw thiab saj
GMO Status: GMO Dawb
Ntim: hauv 25kgs fiber ntau nruas
Cia: Khaws lub thawv tsis qhib hauv qhov chaw txias, qhuav, Khaws kom deb ntawm lub teeb muaj zog
Lub neej txee: 24 lub hlis txij li hnub tsim khoom
Muaj nuj nqi:
-Widely siv rau cov hom phiaj tshuaj los ntawm Asmeskas Khab thiab yog ib feem ntawm ntau yam khoom lag luam kho mob.
-Siv sab nraud ntawm qhov txhab, nqaij tawv, thiab o.
-Siv hauv kev tu tawv nqaij.
- Muaj zog tiv thaiv oxidant thiab astringent.
-Siv raws li ib tug natural tshuaj rau psoriasis, eczema, aftershave daim ntaub ntawv, ingrown rau tes, tiv thaiv tawm hws ntawm lub ntsej muag, tawg los yog hlwv ntawm daim tawv nqaij, kho kab tom, tshuaj lom ivy, thiab raws li ib tug kho mob rau varicose leeg thiab hemorrhoids.
-Pom nyob rau hauv ntau lub khw muag tshuaj hemorrhoid.
- Pom zoo rau cov poj niam kom txo qhov o thiab soothe qhov txhab uas tshwm sim los ntawm kev yug menyuam.
Daim ntawv thov:
-Anti-microbial Tannins;
-Qhov tseem ceeb roj -Antiseptic;
- Ua rau ntshav ncig Flavonoids;
-Leucoanthocyanidins - Txhim kho cov ntshav ncig;
-Antioxidant tannins;
- Flavonoids;
-Kev tiv thaiv;
- Kev tiv thaiv kev yees duab;
- Cov plaub hau xim tiv thaiv.
Yam khoom | Specification | Txoj kev | Kev tshwm sim |
Kev txheeb xyuas | Kev pom zoo | N/A | Ua raws |
Extract Solvents | Dej / Ethanol | N/A | Ua raws |
Particle loj | 100% dhau 80 mesh | USP / Ph.Eur | Ua raws |
Qhov ntom ntom | 0.45 ~ 0.65 g / ml | USP / Ph.Eur | Ua raws |
Poob rau ziab | ≤ 5.0% | USP / Ph.Eur | Ua raws |
Sulfated tshauv | ≤ 5.0% | USP / Ph.Eur | Ua raws |
Lead (Pb) | ≤1.0mg / kg | USP / Ph.Eur | Ua raws |
Arsenic (As) | ≤1.0mg / kg | USP / Ph.Eur | Ua raws |
Cadmium (Cd) | ≤1.0mg / kg | USP / Ph.Eur | Ua raws |
Cov kuab tshuaj Residue | USP / Ph.Eur | USP / Ph.Eur | Ua raws |
Tshuaj tua kab Residue | Tsis zoo | USP / Ph.Eur | Ua raws |
Microbiological Tswj | |||
otal kab mob suav | ≤1000cfu / g | USP / Ph.Eur | Ua raws |
Poov & pwm | ≤100cfu / g | USP / Ph.Eur | Ua raws |
Salmonella | Tsis zoo | USP / Ph.Eur | Ua raws |
E. Coli | Tsis zoo | USP / Ph.Eur | Ua raws |
More information of TRB | ||
Regulation ntawv pov thawj | ||
Kev ntseeg tau zoo | ||
Ze li ntawm 20 xyoo, xa tawm 40 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam, ntau tshaj 2000 batch ua los ntawm TRB tsis muaj teeb meem zoo, tshwj xeeb purification txheej txheem, impurity thiab purity tswj raws li USP, EP thiab CP | ||
Comprehensive Quality System | ||
| ▲Quality Assurance System | √ |
▲ Kev tswj cov ntaub ntawv | √ | |
▲ Validation System | √ | |
▲ Kev cob qhia System | √ | |
▲ Internal Audit Protocol | √ | |
▲ Suppler Audit System | √ | |
▲ Cov Khoom Siv Khoom Siv Hluav Taws Xob | √ | |
▲ Cov Khoom Siv Hluav Taws Xob | √ | |
▲ Kev Tswj Xyuas Ntau Lawm | √ | |
▲ Packaging Labeling System | √ | |
▲ Laboratory Control System | √ | |
▲ Daim Ntawv Pov Thawj Ua Haujlwm | √ | |
▲ Regulatory Affairs System | √ | |
Tswj Tag Nrho Qhov Chaw thiab Cov Txheej Txheem | ||
nruj me ntsis tswj tag nrho cov raw khoom, accessories thiab ntim khoom.Nyob raw cov ntaub ntawv thiab accessories thiab ntim khoom tsum nrog US DMF naj npawb.Ob lub raw khoom lwm tus neeg raws li muab kev ruaj ntseg. | ||
Cov koom haum koom tes muaj zog txhawb nqa | ||
Lub koom haum ntawm botany/Institution of microbiology/Academy of Science and Technology/University |