I-Juice Powder kamoba

Incazelo emfushane:

Impushana Yomoba 100% Ngokwesipiliyoni Ukutshala umoba eminyakeni engama-50.Akuyona isitshalo amakhemikhali.Ngakho inekhwalithi ephezulu.futhi zonke izinyathelo zihlanzekile futhi ziphephile ngezinga lokushisa lingaphezu kuka-150 degree.Ngakho yenza i-fructose kashukela enhle yemvelo.nokuhlanzeka nokuPhepha kwezinga eliphezulu.Ingancibilika emanzini abandayo.Asikho isitashi noma i-Preservative.

  • Intengo ye-FOB:US $0.5 - 2000 / KG
  • Inani elincane le-oda:1 KG
  • Ikhono Lokuhlinzeka:10000 KG/ngenyanga
  • Imigomo Yokukhokha:L/C,D/A,D/P,T/T
  • :
  • Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

    Omaka bomkhiqizo

    Umoba uyisitshalo esibalulekile sezimboni ezifundeni ezishisayo nezishisayo futhi ulinywa cishe kumahektha ayizigidi ezingama-20 ezindaweni ezingaphezu kuka-90.

    amazwe (ngokusho kwe-FAO).Umoba ungowomndeni wotshani (Poaceae), umndeni wezitshalo ezibalulekile kwezomnotho ohlanganisa ummbila,

    ukolweni, irayisi, namabele kanye nezitshalo eziningi zokudla.Umkhiqizo oyinhloko womoba yi-sucrose, enqwabelana kuma-stalk internodes.I-Sucrose,

    kukhishwa futhi kuhlanzwe ezimbonini ezikhethekile zokugaya, kusetshenziswa njengempahla eluhlaza ezimbonini zokudla kwabantu noma kubiliswa ukukhiqiza i-ethanol, uphethiloli ongcolisa kancane.


    Igama Lomkhiqizo:I-Sugarcane Juice Powder

    Igama lesiLatini: Saccharum officinarum

    Ukubukeka: Impushana ephuzi ekhanyayo

    Isimo se-GMO:GMO Mahhala

    Ukupakisha: ku-25kgs fiber drums

    Isitoreji: Gcina isitsha singavulwa endaweni epholile, eyomile, gwema ukukhanya okuqinile

    Impilo Yeshelufu: Izinyanga ezingama-24 kusukela ngosuku lokukhiqiza


    Umsebenzi Oyinhloko:

    I-1) Ukukhishwa kukashukela kungaqinisa amandla, amandla namandla omzimba;

    I-2) Impushana yomoba ingathuthukisa ukuzwela okusebenzayo;

    3) Ukukhipha umoba kungathuthukisa amandla okucindezeleka;

    I-4) I-powder yomoba ingakhuthaza umsebenzi we-hormone yocansi, ikhulule ubuhlungu bemisipha;

    5) Ukukhipha umoba kungathuthukisa ukusebenza kwemisipha yenhliziyo,

    I-6) Impuphu yomoba inganciphisa i-cholesterol, amafutha egazi kanye nomfutho we-systolic;

    I-7) Ukukhishwa kukamoba kungathuthukisa umzimba we-metabolism.



    1.Kusetshenziswa embonini yokudla.

    2.Kusetshenziswa embonini yezolimo.

    3.Kusetshenziswa embonini yezemithi.

    4.Kusetshenziswa ekudleni okusebenzayo kanye nemikhiqizo yezempilo



    Ijusi Yezithelo Nohlu Lwempushana Yemifino
    I-Raspberry Juice Powder Impuphu Yejusi Yomoba I-Cantaloupe Juice Powder
    I-Blackcurrant Juice Powder I-Plum Juice Powder I-Dragonfruit Juice Powder
    I-Citrus Reticulata Juice Powder I-Blueberry Juice Powder I-Pear Juice Powder
    I-Lychee Juice Powder I-Mangosteen Juice Powder I-Cranberry Juice Powder
    I-Mango Juice Powder I-Roselle Juice Powder I-Kiwi Juice Powder
    I-Papaya Juice Powder I-Lemon Juice Powder I-Noni Juice Powder
    I-Loquat Juice Powder I-Apple Juice Powder I-Grape Juice Powder
    I-Green Plum Juice Powder I-Mangosteen Juice Powder Ipomegranate Juice Powder
    I-Honey Peach Juice Powder I-Sweet Orange Juice Powder I-Black Plum Juice Powder
    I-Passionflower Juice Powder I-Banana Juice Powder I-Saussurea Juice Powder
    I-Coconut Juice Powder I-Cherry Juice Powder I-Grapefruit Juice Powder
    I-Acerola Cherry Juice Powder/ Isipinashi Powder I-Garlic Powder
    Utamatisi Powder Ikhabishi Powder I-Hericium Erinaceus Powder
    I-Carrot Powder Ikhukhamba Powder I-Flammulina Velutipes powder
    I-Chicory Powder I-Bitter Melon Powder I-Aloe powder
    I-Wheat Germ powder I-Pumpkin powder I-Celery Powder
    I-Okra powder I-Beet Root powder I-Broccoli Powder
    I-Broccoli Seed powder I-Shitake Mushroom powder I-Alfalf Powder
    I-Rosa Roxburghii Juice Powder    


    Olunye ulwazi lwe-TRB

    Isitifiketi somthetho
    Ikhwalithi Ethembekile
    Cishe iminyaka engama-20, ukuthekelisa amazwe nezifunda ezingama-40, amaqoqo angaphezu kuka-2000 akhiqizwa yi-TRB awanazo izinkinga zekhwalithi, inqubo yokuhlanza eyingqayizivele, ukungcola kanye nokulawula ubumsulwa kuhlangana ne-USP, EP kanye ne-CP
    Comprehensive Quality System

    ▲ Uhlelo Lokuqinisekisa Ikhwalithi

    ▲ Ukulawula idokhumenti

    ▲ Uhlelo Lokuqinisekisa

    ▲ Uhlelo Lokuqeqesha

    ▲ Iphrothokholi Yokucwaninga Kwangaphakathi

    ▲ Uhlelo Lokucwaningwa Kwama-Suppler

    ▲ Uhlelo Lwezinsiza Zokusebenza

    ▲ Uhlelo Lokulawula Okubalulekile

    ▲ Uhlelo Lokulawula Ukukhiqiza

    ▲ Uhlelo Lokufaka Amalebula Lokupakisha

    ▲ Uhlelo Lokulawula Ilabhorethri

    ▲ Uhlelo Lokuqinisekisa Ukuqinisekisa

    ▲ Uhlelo Lwezindaba Zokulawula

    Lawula Imithombo Yonke Nezinqubo
    Ilawule ngokuqinile yonke impahla eluhlaza, izesekeli nezinto zokupakisha.Impahla esetshenziswayo ekhethwayo kanye nezinsiza kanye nempahla yokupakisha enenombolo yase-US DMF.Abahlinzeki bempahla eluhlaza abambalwa njengesiqiniseko sokuhlinzekwa.
    Izikhungo Zokubambisana Eziqinile ezizokweseka
    I-Institute of botany/Institution of microbiology/Academy of Science and Technology/University

  • Okwedlule:
  • Olandelayo: